Wednesday, March 10, 2010

AWARD: 2010 Barbara Brown Student Paper


2010 Barbara Brown Student Paper Award


Barbara A. Brown was a professor of sport sociology at the University of Western Ontario from 1983 until 1990, when she died of cancer aged forty. Dr. Brown, who was President-Elect of NASSS at the time of her death, was widely recognized for her expertise on women in sport and leisure, her political commitment to extending girls' and women's opportunities for participation in sport, and her contributions to the development of a professional community of sport sociologists. She was also a dedicated mentor and teacher whose invaluable work with students is appropriately memorialized in the naming of this award for her.


· Papers may not exceed 30 double-spaced pages, including notes, tables, and references (which also need to be double-spaced).

· Papers should be free of any reference to the author(s) in order to ensure blind review.

· Authors should follow a consistent style (e.g., APA) throughout the paper, and should include line numbers to facilitate reviewer comments.

· Authors should include a cover page with the title of the paper, their full contact information, institutional affiliation, degree program, advisor name and contact information, and award category for submission (master’s or doctoral).


· Authors MUST be members of NASSS at time of submission. Please be sure that your membership status is updated and current.

· Papers do not need to be submitted for presentation at the NASSS conference (though most are).

· Authors must be enrolled in a graduate program at the time their paper is submitted.

· Papers that have undergone formal, peer review for publication are not eligible for the contest.

· Papers must represent student-produced inquiry only. Limited input from supervisors (e.g., general feedback on structure and content, or recommendations for editing) is acceptable, but papers on which supervisors have had substantial input (e.g., analysis of data, writing or rewriting of sections of the paper) are not eligible.

· The committee will accept one (1) submission per author.

· Papers that were previously submitted for consideration and not awarded may be resubmitted for consideration, provided the author and paper meet all other criteria.

· In the event that a co-authored paper is selected as winner, the authors will share the prize.

· When warranted, the committee will offer up to two (2) awards, one (1) for a Master’s Student and one (1) for a PhD student.

· Only papers deemed by the committee to be truly outstanding will be considered for the award, and thus there is a possibility that no awards will be given for either or both award categories (i.e. Master’s and PhD).


Papers will be evaluated on the following criteria:

· Explanation of Conceptual Framework

· Analytic Clarity and Currency

· Organization and Clarity of Expression

· Discussion or Interpretation

· Contribution to Knowledge-Impact

· Relevance to NASSS/field

· Adherence to Consistent Referencing Style (e.g., APA)


The award recipient will receive up to $1000 towards their NASSS conference expenses, plus a waiver of the conference registration fee. The Student Paper Award Committee may also give up to two honorable mentions in each category. Students receiving an honorable mention will have their conference registration fees waived. In addition, all authors will receive feedback on their papers, which will hopefully benefit the authors.


The DEADLINE for submissions is August 1, 2010.

Papers and any questions should be sent via email to:

Dr. jay johnson, Student Paper Award Committee Chair

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