Monday, July 26, 2010

CONFERENCE: ISSA 2011, Cuba : Planning Info

Dear All,

As you know, the International Sociology of Sport Association will hold its 2011 Congress in Havana, Cuba. The congress is scheduled for July 12-15, 2011. The response to date from interested attendees suggests that we may need to place a SOLD OUT banner across the announcement page. We already have approximately 200 prospective & confirmed attendees from Latin American countries as well as USA citizens. We'd have the option to add more sessions as well as an additional day. To do so, we need NASSServ members from Canada and non-North Americans to quickly register their interest.

Please write to me at the return address or if you are planning on, or will genuinely consider, attending the Congress. We will need to modify our dates (if needed) before the conference website becomes operational. Please write before August 1. This will greatly assist planning and probably guarantee you a good cup of Cuban coffee each day - a useful beverage prior to any Hallinan, Jackson, et al. presentation.

Cheers & best regards,

Chris Hallinan
Centre for Australian Indigenous Studies
Monash University
Vice President, ISSA

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